Kids Say The Darndest Things

I picked up Brinley, dusting off the wood chips from her fall-for the umpteenth time. She wriggled and squealed in my arms, waving her hands towards Danny.
"Momma!" She called out to him-rarely does she say Dada.
Danny retrieved her from me and she giggled with delight,
"She loves Daddy so much more". I sulked for a moment. And then Elly piped up.
"And I love you Mommy so much more!". Nothing like some sweet magical words put me in a happy mood. Seriously it's no competition, but it did feel nice to hear my daughter come to my immediate defense. She is my buddy and she is growing soo fast!!


Jenny said…
I LOVE when it seems like they love me just a little bit more. ;) It feels so nice to be needed!
Danielle said…
Me too, its a wonderful feeling. ;-)

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