Three New Meaningful Christmas Traditions
Christmas has come and gone, but we so enjoyed the season. We have created some new traditions in its honor. We still have some favorite traditions we have continued onward such as:
-Read A Christmas Carol every night till it is finished
-Re-enact the Christmas Story on the Eve
-Have a Caroling Party
What we have kicked:
-Santa, he went Bye Bye last year and the girls now know the truth. we have read the story of Saint Nicholas, so they know he was a Christian man doing good. Grandparents gave us Santa stickers for the windows and they enjoyed decorating with that, snowflakes and other festive things. But Elly knows, she has gotten tired of telling all the adults who ask her that Santa is not real. She just looks at me like, don't these people know?? However that cute three year old with the chubby cheeks does not get the concept yet. Her cute line of the season:
"Santa isn't real. He bring me gifts, I love him."
It was pretty darling and with neighbors and friends constantly asking the girls about Santa, I understand her confusion.
Anyways, on with the new traditions:
1) Recently I bought this awesome advent candle holder from the blog . Every night we lit a candle, sang a Christmas hymn and said a prayer. You should have seen the blaze Christmas Eve! We really need to get to know our Christmas hymns better. This simple act has really set the mood for the holidays and I love it!
2) Also, We looked up Salvation Army on the internet and watched some tear jerker videos. Our Christmas goal this year was to earn coins through extra chores and watch for good deeds between one another; to add coins to a Salvation Army Jar. Before Christmas we brought a FULL jar of coins to the bell ringer, along with some hot cocoa for the volunteers. I feel it was a very good visual for the girls. And for them to know that THEY helped someone else out is golden. While the girls were chugging away at pushing coins into a tiny red slit, a man came up with a lot of change to donate from his pockets. He smiled and said:
"It's great that you do this, I wish Salvation Army had these out all year, it does so much good. I was homeless once and I'm grateful for organizations like this."
Yeah, I tried not to tear up until we got to the van.
3) Also we went simple and natural this year with décor. We went out on the second and cut some branches of pines at my parents and came home and decorated the mantle with them. Naturally there was Christmas music and hot cocoa accompanying such a festive event.
Hope Your Christmas was as wonderful as ours and Happy New Year! Time to make some New Years Goals!
That's amazing that you homeschool!!! I don't think I could ever do that!!! You're so amazing!!!
And congrats on your new baby girl!!!!! Your mom posted a picture.