Nature at it's best!

Life. Beautiful, natural,evolving life. We were blessed with a little nest built by Robins. It sits in the rafters of our porch roof. We have a big window that looks out on it all, and we watch.

We saw them eagerly build their home stick by stick with mounds of brown grass and other odd end pieces.

When the nest was finished and she moved in , Danny lifted Elly up high to see the baby blue eggs before they hatched.

And now at the kitchen table, with every meal, we witness the Mommy and Daddy Robin feed their babies. Their mouths wide open awaiting worms to nourish them. It has been so enjoyable and quite the learning experience for the girls. And there have been a lot of conversations from inquistive girls who ask questions. 

Questions like:

What is a bird nest made out of?
Where do the eggs come from?
When do baby birds fly?

Oh I love it. Our family has bonded over this occasion and have become more in touch with nature. Life is beautiful.


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