Reading Classics Can Change Your Life
Ah, the classics. I am becoming head over heels in love with them. Funny how I wanted nothing to do with them as an adolescent. But now that I am older, and much wiser I might add, I see the importance in them.
I suppose it began with reading "A Christmas Carol" two years ago with my family, during the holidays. Charles Dickens' writing style, language, historical timeline and message was sent right to my heart. It is one of my favorite Christmas traditions now.
Gradually, with commitments to write my own stories and school my children, my desire has grown deeper to delve into the Classics. In the past year I have read with the girls,
"Little House on The Prairie",
"Farmer Boy",
"On the Banks of Plum Creek",
"By the shores of silver Lake",
"The Wizard of Oz"
"Charlie and The Chocolate Factory"
"The Glass Elevator" (okay these two aren't classics, but fun!)
"Alice ...