Having a Little Gratitude

Sometimes, many times, I have to take a step back and ponder what it is that makes this life beautiful, sacred, special.  I get frazzled and strangled by the many things on my to do list, my overpowering expectations and desires, kids whining, crying.   Anxiety builds, anger festers, blow ups occurr, until I STOP.  I stop and breathe...clear my mind.  This is not what it's all about is it? 

 There is no need to have this much PRESSURE.  Why am I sad, frustrated, scared, angry, alone?  STOP, BREATHE.  Hide in a closet and TALK with God.  THANK him for the minuete things, and then build into bigger parts of your life.  You can feel his peace, you will know his love.  I make a list, an endless, eternal thank you card to Heavenly Father.  This is moments of peace, solitude, calm.  And this is just the BEGINNING of my list.  This is turning a new leaf, a work in progress I will always be, but these small steps, STOP, BREATHE, PRAYER, WRITING my THANK YOUS to God, can help, will help on my journey back home to HIM.   

Thank you God For:

1)My morning run
2)A juice in the morning
3)Craft time with the kids
4)Making a rocket ship that is devoured and torn apart in moments.
5)pumpkin dump cake
6)Homeschool curriculum/so that I feel we are making headway and i know that I am on the right path

7)A wonderful primary presidency
8)PBS television
9)The month of October
10)Warm home
11) goals and dreams for a window seat/ living room makeover
12)nice running shoes
13) pinterest and the Great ideas on the internet 
14) staying home with my girls
15) answered prayers
16) God loves me-and he TRUSTS me with HIS children!!  My girls are his girls. I am his girl.  I am not alone.
17) crickets chirping
18) a beautiful green, fenced in backyard
19) kids holding hands
20) mask and long house making.
21) nature hunts

22) chirping birds
23) the sun shining
24) calming piano music
25) reading time with the girls
26) that Elly is truly getting good at reading!!
27) the leaves changing color
28) the awesome time we had at Gettysburg-mini vacations are the best!
29) camping
30) Dutch oven cooking over a fire
31) hot chocolate on a cold fall night
32) good friends like the Hansons
33) Brinley turning two! :-)
34) Folding Laundry in the evening while Danny does his homework, the girls play and soothing old jazz music is on.
35) chilly Autumn nights with the stars sparkling and crescent moon waning.  
36) A collection of fabric tablecloths. Love it! Makes things more homey, cozy and fanciful in a 
homey way.

37) good ole movies like a "a christmas story and it's a wonderful life.  The girls watched this today.
38) a wonderful nights rest
39) other kids my girls can play with
40) rainy days
41) fall decorations
42) a good husband 
43) time with my hubby
44) the ability to re-learn and learn new and old things
45) giggling children 
46) chocolate chip custard pie
47) Fresh eggs
48) our three chickens, Kala, Christina and Brownie

It's a good thing, taking it all in, and thanking God for what we have. It invites a peaceful feeling, contentment.  And that is a wonderful feeling.  I follow a blog that is just awe-some, and has inspired me to do some thanking instead of griping.  I'm work in progress, but I can feel it changing me.  Enjoy Ann Voskamps beautiful way she puts words together and the gorgeous pictures she offers up.  She also has a book that I've been meaning to buy since it is not available at the library.  Here is her link:
 Check out the amazing job she is doing.  I am also linkng up to her.


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