An Ode to Pennsylvania

I am back from Utah!  I had a ton of fun with my sisters, scouring the stores, taking walks, exploring the mountians.  But I will write and share pictures later in the week.  This is just a quick let you know I am in fact still alive and well.  And to tell you a bit about my exhiliration about loving where I live.

You see on the way home I was able to stay awake for a bit (despite the dramamine) and watch the scenery below.  I was able to observe the rustic brown mountains blend into dry flat fields, then stretching green patches, and finally rolling hillsides filled with trees, farms and grassy fields.  Sorry Utah friends and family, but I live in the most beautiful part of the world.  I love that flowers bloom sporadically, thunderstorms crash with the wind, the buttery sun peaks through fluff filled clouds and gentle breezes blow in the cool setting sun.

 But most of all, I love the GREENERY!!  There is just so much lushness: jade, emerald, lime, evergreen and mossy, leafy, silky, fuzzy, wonderfully green life here!!!  I thought that after visiting the towering mountains of Utah I might feel compelled to fall in love with the desert, but despite the gorgeous intimidating mountains I yearned for trees, ominous, short, gigantic, willowing and wispy trees. 

 Sometimes we take things for granted.  I felt myself seeking adventure and different scenery.  But a wonderful week with family, friends and a desert was all I needed to keep me in check.  I am so so grateful for the gorgeous view I get to wake up to every morning.  It has wielded tears of joy that I can witness such beauty on a daily basis.  And when I arrived home, I felt a confirmation that yes, this is where I am meant to be, and I am ever so glad to be here.  Although I miss my sister Katie and her family (wish they could move back here, but I know and understand they are happy where they are) I am where I am supposed to be. 

Hope your enjoying where you are!!



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