Mother's Day

My Mother taught me well.  Her example was one of compassion, hospitality, and being a great neighbor.  Seriously, my parents are good neighbors.  They have been a wonderful example of how you should treat the people next door and across the street-and so it is because of them and for my mom that I try to be more kind and caring.

In the spirit of neighborliness and honoring moms, let me share with you a tradition we have for Mother's Day.  Side note: Yes I am about to toot my own horn-I know so annoying right?  However please keep in mind that this is also a form of journaling for me. I mean it-I turn this baby into a book and bad bing, bada bang-scrapbooking, picture taking, journaling, complete.  My version of family history recorded-check!

Okay so here goes.  Every day before Mothers Day-that would be a Saturday, the girls and I get busy shopping.  We don't spend tons of money-no-not in the budget, however I do buy a big honking bouquet of flowers, and this year in addition to that I bought some pretzels and chocolate chips.  Afterwards we head home and busy ourselves with making homemade Mother's Day cards for our surrounding neighbors.  While the girls whip up works of art, I trim down that massive flower bouquet and seperate it into five smaller, more humble-yet pretty-bouquets.  They go into mason jars and other jars I have around the house. They really do look quite splendid-ya know for a person who is not a real live florist.

This year I decided to kick it up a notch and add some homemade chocolate covered pretzels into the mix.  Elly and I had a good time eating...I mean making these....okay so we did a little of both.  After freezing them a bit, we ventured outdoors and hand delivered the goodies.  It is so fun to to see the smile on my neighbors faces.  They are all mommas and good ones too.  They love with all their hearts and would do anything for thier kids-even if 50% of them are grown and have kids of their own. 

I love this holiday-appreciating all the wonderful Mothers out there-all women who nurture and care for those around them.  It is truly a gift to witness the gratitude these women have for being a little nurtured themselves.   

As for me, well it was a wonderful day.  The girls gave me a spa day-or a version of that- in the form of a manicure and hair do.  They also created homemade cards.  I enjoyed myself and so did my girls-they are so stinking cute.  Hope all the Mothers out there felt loved, appreciated and relaxed this past Sunday!  


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