A Journey to Homesteading...we hope.

There are a couple life's goals and dreams Danny has.  I think he wished we had a farm.  But alas we do not-so we make do and are attempting to create a homestead.  Oh dear, have we a long way to go, and with only a quarter of an acre, we can only do so much.  This is what we already have:

-Peach Tree
-Pear Tree
-Apple Tree
-Raised Bed/Organic Garden

Still a work in progress, but two out of the three beds are planted

Linking Up to :

This is what Danny wants to still get:

-Blueberry bushes
-Strawberrry Patch

Our neighbors next door own a little over three acres, and have an orchard, as well as a huge garden and tons of rasberries.  They are practically family and are dear friends.  And together on our nieghbors property they atre experimenting with this:

That would be honey bees...mmmm, hope this pans out well and we get lots of honey ;-)
What are you doing to homestead??


Andrea said…
Look at you all country girl;) That's what I miss about PA...LAND! I grow wheat grass in a pan on top of my fridge...sad huh? My girls use the windowsill in the family room for their "garden"...so jealous of those raised beds! My dream is to have a 5 acre farm with a pig, chickens, a cow, horse and ORCHARD! Nothing tastes better than a fresh picked ripe summer peach...dare I say better than chocolate;)
Danielle said…
There is nothing better than fresh, home grown fruit. Oh yes...truthfully...it's all Danny..shh don't tell anyone. I mean, I appreciate it, but im not doing all the hard work. Sure I help a bit, but yeah,about 5% or less. He's quite the guy. I hope you get to your dream soon!! Don't give up on those dreams!!

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