A Journey to Homesteading...we hope.
There are a couple life's goals and dreams Danny has. I think he wished we had a farm. But alas we do not-so we make do and are attempting to create a homestead. Oh dear, have we a long way to go, and with only a quarter of an acre, we can only do so much. This is what we already have: -Rasberrries -Peach Tree -Pear Tree -Apple Tree -Raised Bed/Organic Garden Still a work in progress, but two out of the three beds are planted Linking Up to : darrellcreswell.wordpress.com This is what Danny wants to still get: -Blueberry bushes -Strawberrry Patch -Chickens Our neighbors next door own a little over three acres, and have an orchard, as well as a huge garden and tons of rasberries. They are practically family and are dear friends. And together on our nieghbors property they atre experimenting with this: That would be honey bees...mmmm, hope this pans out well and we get lots of honey ;-) What are you doing to homes...