A Fifties Do Wop Micro Date- Say that 10x fast

So I thought it would be fun to throw a fifties party-no wait, I mean date, well same thing practically!  Right?!?  And since I was staying within a theme I had to make dinner too!  Wanna have yourself a 50's date?  Here's how.

1) Make a "Diner" Dinner: We had bacon cheeseburgers with regular and sweet potato fries, aspargus-yes I know not very diner-ish, and mystery soup.
A milkshake bouquet, yummy

Table Set with a Little Invitation for Danny I have a link for free print ups I used.

Danny is enjoying his delish greasy meal

One Bacon Cheeseburger with fries and aspargus, coming right up!  Also put in some sweet potato fries cuz I love them.

  2) Once the kiddies are off to bed, begin the date with a lil game.  We played clothespin in the bottle-okay mason jar, which is very tricky might I add. 

2) 50's has a bunch of great sweets, like candy buttons.  So we wrote love messages-not so origional love messages might I add- out of candy.
Danny's simply sweet message

My message, I made Danny connect the dots

3)  A maze, a very hard maze in my opinion, I'm no good at these things


4) Banana Split Yogurts-a little less calories since dinner was over the top
Decorations for the date- upstairs

Banana Split Yogurts
Hope Your having Great date nights!  Please Share!!

For more fun dates, check out this site! http://shannonbrown.typepad.com/life_in_general/2012/04/lets-go-on-a-date-april-link-up.html


Janelle said…
What a cute date idea! Looks like you guys had fun! Thanks for sharing.
Danielle said…
Thanks! It was fun. I have a fifties family date coming up too!
Shannon b said…
I love that you went all out and added decorations too! How fun!

Thanks for linking up on my blog!
Danielle said…
Thanks Shannon, I love your date idea!! It's relaxing and fun. I'd like to see downtown abbey-is that right? Everyone I know is watching it and loving it. Thanks for letting me link up.

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