31 More Things to Do in Life

Spring is here and it is beautiful!

Today I turned 31.  I know this may not seem like such a big deal.  31 is still young, right?  But it also means that I'm only nine years away from 40!  I have been reflecting more on these awesome past 31 years.  And I feel I have been oober blessed and was able to accomplish a lot.  What have I been doing these past 31 years?

1) Graduated High School
2) Got An Asosciates Degree
3) Served a 18 month mission for my church http://lds.org
4) Married the Sexiest Man Alive in the DC Temple

4) Bought our first home and then three more.
5) Have two darling girls
6) Begin a mission to write more, so I started a story blog http://onceuponatimestories.blog.com
7) Started this blog
8) Have served in many callings at church that have streched and forced me to grow and learn
9) Paid off over 52,000 in debt.
10) Took a more serious step in intentionally dating my hubby

Life has been good to me and I plan on even making more of this life-I love that song for my next thirty years and am eager to get started.  So here are 31 things I plan to do for the next thirty years.

1) Continue to date my hubby on a weekly basis.  Here is a great blog, where Shannon is doing the same. http://shannonbrown.typepad.com/life_in_general/

2) Family Dates are soo much fun!!  We shall continue to learn and travel the world in the comfort of our own home this way.  Another great blog...check out this post about teaching your kids about the world.
I love, love, love her ideas.
3) Try to eat clean, which means I have to scale back, way back from sweets. 
4) Incorporate yoga into my daily life
5) See a chiropractor
6) Write and a FINISH a book and become a best selling author.  Get a thousands of people to read my story blog.  What I can't even fathom that! But how awesome would that be!?!  Again this will be blogged at http://onceuponatimestories.blog.com
7) Put at least 10 percent into retirement yearly
8) Join a Cause, that will help people, maybe the humanitarian aid at my church. 
9) Buy a few chickens and learn the tricks and trades of roosting.  This is my hubby's dream, but I'm willing to support him.
10) Learn how to make homemade bread, jam, and can fruit.
11) Save a Mountain of Money for those Emergencies that always come up.
12) Learn to master photograpghy so I can sahre some nice photos with y'all.
13) Figure out how to make a blog look cutesy, yet professional, because let's face it, I have no idea what I'm doing.
14) Develop some fashion sense so I can join the rest of these popular blogs and have half decent picture of me.

A bishops storehouse

15) Serve more on a daily basis.  I had the oppurtunity to pick up a food order from someone this past Saturday at the bishops store house.  It was about an hour and twenty minute drive, to get there, but what an experience.  A bishops storehouse is like a food pantry for the members of our church.  We donate money each month that goes directly to helping those in our area that do not have the money to buy food.  So we have a storehouse for those experiencing some troubled times.  What is wonderful about all this, is that everything is donated.  Money, food, time, service.  Everyone is an unpaid volunteer, busily filling food orders from those who have less.  And those who have less are able to volunteer themselves, giving back also.  It's just a big beautiful cirlcle where everyone wins.  It melts my heart to see so many willing people who are making a difference in other's lives.
16) Serve in The Temple
17) Visit Europe- Ireland, France, Switzerland, England, Scotland, and more!
18) Read more Classics
19) Laugh More
20) Forgive more easily and let go of those little grudges.
21) Learn to Swing Dance
22) A Roadtrip touring the US
23) Learn more about history, culture and things about this lil world of ours.
24) Live a Minimalistic life, as in less material things and more time
25) Add an addition on to the house and makeover my kitchen
26) Become a best selling author that gets an interview with Oprah-because everything she touches turns to gold.
26) See all the sites PA has to offer

27) Have another kiddo
28) Become an expert party planner for all future kids birthday parties
29) Complain less and Count my blessings on a daily basis
30) Pray more
31) Read my Scriptures daily

If your still reading I'm impressed, this is a long post!!  Have a Super Day!!


Andrea said…
HAPPY BIRTHDAY GIRL!:) Can't wait to get together and catch up next month! When will you be out here? Do you realize it's been almost a DECADE since we've seen each other?! Remember when we were teenagers and just wanted to be "grown-up"...yeah. At least aging is where being short finally has some advantage, people think I'm younger since I look like I'm still waiting for that growth spurt to hit. Ah...the joke is on them..er wait...maybe it is on me? Oh well. Enjoy some cake my friend from one 5'2" 30something to another:) Love ya
Danielle said…
I know what you mean! And I can't wait to see you! I'll be out in June though, the 17th, for a week. We must meet up! Thank you!!
Unknown said…
happy 31st birthday!!!!! And wow- you have accomplished so much already! Your life is going to be impressive when you make this list at age 80. ;) xo

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