A Mardi Gras Family Date

The Supplies

"I can't wait for the date!!"
  Ellyanna jumped up and down excitedly.  She was talking about Danny and I's twenties date.  I didn'thave the heart to tell her that it was just for mommy and daddy.  After all, Elly had seen me plan numerous micro dates.  I have collected things from the store, gathered materials I already had, and decorated specific rooms to whichever theme I had concocted for the evening.  When eight o clock rolled around and we accomplished our daily reading and we brushed our teeth and dressed into our jammies.  Elly sensed that this date would not involve her.  Her tiny lips quivered..
"But I wanna go to you and Daddy's date."
Tears sprouted from her big blue eyes as I tried to console her.
"I know but this is a date just for Mommy and Daddy.  But hey, how about we have a date for you tomorrow.  We could dress up for a ball and go dancing!!"
The sad whimpers fizzled out and her eyes widened.
"Yeah, and we could eat cake and have presents!  I want a cake with white frosting and flowers all over it!"

And so maybe a new tradtition has begun- a family date night.  Side note: yeah there wasn't any cake and presents, I think Elly confuses dates with birthday parties since we do such extravagant things on our dates- that look a lot like kid's birthday parties.  The theme for the night-yes I like themes-was a Mardi Gras Ball.  How does one have a Mardi Gras Ball with their kids?  I shall tell you.

Step 1: Eat Donuts

We ate all our donuts before I took a picture-oops!

Step 2: Make Pretty Masks

Brinley's Creation
Elly's Creation

Dan the Man took care of the glue gun-anything with guns boys like...er I mean Men.  He's such a good Daddy and Hubby.
Step3 : Dress Up in Gowns and Put on Your Masks

It is nearly impossible to get a good picture with Brinley and her mask.

Here Brinley is attmepting to wear her mask on her own-she refused to let any of us put it on her

Poor Daddy's mask got cut off-sorry
Step 4: Dance the Night Away, to Early Jazz Music of course.  Sorry there is no pics for this, but we were bisy busting moves, twirling and spinning!


Danielle said…
Thanks! It really was fun!! Im really thinking about doing "family dates" often as our family home evenings.

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