Happy 7!

My hubby and I just celebrated our 7 year anniversary....today! And we aren't feeling itchy at all! Seven years may not be all that long, but it's still longer than most celebrity marriages! Beat that J.Lo and Marc Anthony, Ashton and Demi ! Our special day has got me pondering though what makes a marriage successful? One word that seems to overshadow a marriage is expectations. I remember being a teenager and watching the chick flicks sighing to myself and thinking "my husband is going to do that for me". Yes, visions of perfection danced in my head as I pictured my "Prince" showering me with flowers and chivalry. He had to play the guitar, sing, write me songs, and go to medical school to become a rich doctor. Yeah, my husband does none of those things. He was supposed to do everything for the sole purpose of making me happy and content. The guys got a mind of his own so obviously he doesn't cater to my every whim.
But oh the plans I had made. Careers, kids, a castle, complete with moat, towers and maybe a few hidden staircases. Goals and plans that excite and thrill! And together we have made goals and accomplished some of them. But what marriage really comes down to is our team work.
Yes there are days when there is a mountain of laundry to fold, a bazillion bills to pay, dishes stacked in the sink, kids whining and crying at my side, a burnt dinner and a tired and irritable husband asking if you had time to clean out the fridge. But at least we are a team, even if some days it feels less than so.
So here is what I've taken from my blissful and hair pulling days of marriage. I'll give ya seven in honor of our years of commitment.
1) Danny and I laugh together, laughter eases tension, melts away the anger and loosens up those tight muscles.
2) We find that if we've got a short term goal and long term goal to work on together we bond more and feel closer (i know same thing)
3) A budget: life is more simple when the bills are paid and some money is in the bank. Live within your means and save for a rainy day
4) Daily ritual, family scripture study, prayer, and chatting each night in bed is ours. Anything that will bring you closet on a daily basis.
5) I know we don't like to mention it but, hittin the hay aka being intimate....with one another not the neighbor down the road. For women love=talking and time, for men love=intimacy
6) Date Night! If it means swapping kids with another couple do it! Monthly dates are a must! Weekly if you can swing it!
7) Letting go of some of those mountainous expectations! My hubby doesn't do the dishes, so what! I don't pack his lunches- I know I'm a bad wife!

In honor of my bestfriend I'd like to also mention 7 things I love about him
1) I can talk to him about anything! He is my best friend! We share the same dreams and goals!
2) He still teases and flirts with me
3) The man is a hard worker! He provides for our family and takes extra jobs so we can do fun things and save for our future dreams!
4) The man is sexy! Have you seen him? Body of a model.
5) He has strong moral values, integrity, and living his beliefs is what he does
6) Talk about the ultimate, very best dad, he plays Barbie dolls, rough houses and runs around playing tag, he's awesome!
7) Danny is lighthearted and positive. The glass is always half full, he can turn a rainy day into sunshine!
I love you Danny through the storms and rainbows!!


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