Love Story Part 4
He was gone. Josh had flown home and abandoned me with a gripping anxiety. My fears and thoughts were as fresh and frozen as that blustery month of March . But it didn't stop me from saying them, those three little words before our parting...I love you. They came from both of our lips. I had been giddy when it happened...but now all I could feel was a jumble of pins and needles swirling in my stomach. We barely knew each other. I mean, we did, but not romantically, not deeply enough. Was this right?? There are billions of people out there...was I picking the right person for me?? Prayer became a constant facet to my life. And I was desperately pleading for some deliberate a huge flashing metal contraption above my bed that said: "Marry Him!!" or "Don't Do It!!" We talked for hours every night on the phone. We could laugh and joke about felt comfortable.. until we hung up. Then doubt and fear crept th...