A Nifty Fifty Family Date
So alright the family date really turned into a Mommy Daughter date, because we are visiting the Cooper grandparents this week and we watched our friends kids last night. So what was I to do-skip the family date? I think not, and since Danny pretty much experienced the 50's in his Micro Date, I figured he would be okay with this. So wanna have a 50's date with your kids? Okay lets get started then. 1) Play Hopscotch-okay I'm not really sure if this was a 50's thing-but it's fun so I figured we should play it. For Inside Hopscotch use some masking tape, electrical tape, or what ever colorful tape you have on hand. Obviously you can do this outside with chalk, like I had to mention this. ;-) I know, I know, probably too many pictures, but can you blame me? They are adorable right? 1) Play Clothespin in the Bottle-Again! This time the bottle was just a a wee bit closer...or a lot closer. It didn't matter because e...